la diversité des types du genre homme reste là comme un invincible argument en faveur de la polygénie.
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polygenypolygénie (fr.); Polygenie (ger.)
1) The origin of a species from a number of independent ancestors or in different places. (OED)
- 1863
Auburtin (1863). [Discusson sur l’action des milieux]. Bulletins de la société d’anthropologie de Paris 4, 157-158: 158.
- 1864
the work is terminated by a statement of the bearing of these facts on the conflicting doctrines of monogeny and polygeny.
Anonymus (1864). [Rev. Broca, P. (1864). On the phenomena of Hybridity in the Genus Homo]. Notes on Books 2, 440-441: 441; cf. Broca, P. (1864). On the phenomena of Hybridity in the Genus Homo: 69. “the polygenist doctrine”.
- 1864
le monogénisme ou le polygénisme du genre humain […] Polygénie. Question inabordable dans l’état actuel de nos connaissances, 189
d’Omalius d’Halloy (1864). [Sur les origines indo-européennes]. Bulletins de la société d’anthropologie de Paris 5, 188-190: 189; 980 (Index).
- 1865
monogeny and polygeny [of the human species]
Mackenzie, K.R.H. (1865). On monogeny and polygeny (Objected to by Committee of Section D, on the ground of its probable immorality). Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London: 1863-64, 4; cf. Journal of the Anthropological Society of London 4, ix.
2) Polygenic determination or inheritance. (OED 2011)
- 1913
[Wir nennen alle diejenigen Merkmale, welche durch mehrere gleichzeigt wirkende Faktoren erzeugt werden, polygene
Plate, L. (1913). Vererbungslehre: 128-9.]
- 1922
Die Polygenie vieler Merkmale beruht eben darauf, daß eine bestimmte Korrelation der konstitutionellen Erbanlagen des Gesamtorganismus, eines Organes, ja eines Zellterritoriums zu ihrer Realisierung nötig ist.
Lebzeiter, V. (1922). Konstitution und Kondition in der allgemeinen Biologie. Zeitschrift für Konstitutionslehre 8, 184-190: 188.
- 1961
Phenomena, like the concerted effect of non-allelic genes, variability in gene manifestation (penetrance, expressivity), phenocopies, polygeny and others, which so often give geneticists headaches, are described and explained with great lucidity
Wolsky, A. (1961). [Rev. Lenz, W. (1961). Medizinische Genetik. Eine Einführung in ihre Grundlagen und Probleme]. Human Biology 33, 365-366: 366.
- 1982
polygenic Used of characters or traits controlled by the integrated action of multiple independent genes; multifactorial; multigenic; polyergistic; polyfactorial; polygenetic; cf. digenic, monogenic, oligogenic, trigenic.
Lincoln, R.J., Boxshall, G.A. & Clark, P.F. (1982). A Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics: 198.