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biotechnologybiotechnologie (fr.); Biotechnologie (ger.)
The application of science and technology to the utilization and improvement of living organisms for industrial and agricultural production and (in later use) other biomedical applications; a technique or technology used in this way. (OED 2012)
- 1900
this special branch of bacteriology [i.e. the application of micro-organisms to industrial processes] which might be called ›biotechnology‹Anonymus (1900). [Rev. Jörgensen, A. (1886/98). Die Mikroorganismen der Gärungsindustrie; eng. transl.: Micro-organisms and Fermentation, London 1900]. The Lancet 156, 179.
- 1919
[Es] weist der Verfasser alle die Arbeitsvorgänge, bei denen aus den Rohstoffen mit Unterstützung lebender Organismen Konsumartikel erzeugt werden, dem Gebiete der Biotechnologie zu.
Ereky, K. (1919). Biotechnologie der Fleisch-, Fett- und Milcherzeugung im landwirtschaftlichen Großbetriebe: 5.
- 1933
Bureau of Bio-Technology
[Siebel, E. (1933)]; cf. Arnold, J.P. & Penman, F. (1933). History of the Brewing Industry and Brewing Science in America: Prepared as a Memorial to the Pioneers of American Brewing Science, Dr. John E. Siebel and Anton Schwartz; Bud, R. (1993). The Uses of Life. A History of Biotechnology: 31.
Bud, R. (1993). The Uses of Life. A History of Biotechnology.