Αἱμορραγέει κοτὲ κύστις· ξανθόντε καὶ λεπτὸν τῇδε τὸ αἷμα· ἀλλ' οὐδέν τι διὰ τήνδε θνήσκουσι, κἂν μὴῥΗϊδίη ἡἐπίσχεσις· ἀλλ' ἐπὶ τοῖσι θρόμβοισι καὶ τῇ φλεγμονῇὁ κίνδυνος. ψύξις γὰρ καὶ νέκρωσις, καὶ γαγγραινώσιες, καὶ τὰἐπὶ τῇδε κακὰῥΗϊδίως κτείνει. [The bladder also sometimes suffers from hemorrhage; the blood there is bright and thin, but the patients never die from it, although it may not be easy to stop. But from the clots and the inflammation there is danger; for the coldness, mortification, gangrene, and the other evils consequent upon it readily prove fatal.]
Result of Your Query
necrosisνέκρωσις (gr.); Nekrose (ger.)
Death of tissue or cells; an instance or area of this. (OED 2003)
- c. 100 AD
Aretaios, De causis et signis acutorum morborum (The Extant Works of Aretaeus, the Cappadocian, ed. F. Adams, London 1856): 44 (book II, ch. 10) (transl. by F. Adams); cf. Digital Hippocrates (www.chlt.org/hippocrates/).
- 1554
Aretaios (1554). Medici lib. VIII: 65. - 1578
telia necrosisRoch Le Baillif (1578). Le Demosterion: 126.
- 1583
Gangrena and Syderatio, which the Grecians call necrosis and sphacelus.
Barrough, P. (1583). Methode of Phisicke: 231 (acc. to OED 2011).
- 1665
Necrosis or inward MortificationNedham, M. (1665). Medela Medicinæ: 410 (acc. to OED 2011).