[Genetic inheritance can transmit only from parents to children, whereas the epigenetic inheritance of material culture can transmit to an entire contemporary generation, obviously a great gain in efficiency.
- environmental determinism
- environmental ethics
- environmental protection
- environmental science
- enzyme
- epharmony
- epigamic
- epigamic selection
- epigenesis
- epigenetic
- epigenetic inheritance
- epigenetic inheritance system
- epigenetic landscape
- epigenetics
- epimeletic
- epimere
- epimorphosis
- epinastic
- epinasty
- epinucleic
- epiphytes
Result of Your Query
epigenetic inheritanceepigenetische Vererbung (ger.)
A mode of inheritance that depends on cellular mechanism but is not related to the base sequence of DNA.
- 1965
Feibleman, J.K. (1965). Artifactualism. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 25, 544-559: 550.]
- 1966
the effects on pigment production seen in mass cultures and high levels of H are interpreted as “modulations” or transient changes in expression of the differentiated state, rather than any alteration of the basic epigenetic inheritance of the cells themselves.
Cahn, R.D. & Cahn, M.B. (1966). Heritability of cellular differentiation: clonal growth and expression of differentiation in retinal pigment cells in vitro. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sic. USA 55, 106-114: 112.