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imaginal diskImaginalscheibe (ger.)
a relatively undifferentiated group of cells, present in the early stages of an insect’s development, which will develop into an adult organ before the final (imago) stage. (OED)
- 1864
Weismann, A. (1864) Die Entwicklung der Dipteren: 135; cf. id. (1864). Die nachembryonale Entwicklung der Musciden nach Beobachtungen an Musca vomitoria und Sarcophaga carnaria. Z. wiss. Zool. 14, 187-336; cf. Sander, K. (1985). August Weismanns Untersuchungen zur Insektenentwicklung 1862-1882. Freiburger Universitätsbl. 24, issue 87/88,43-52.
- 1874
These collections of cells form flat disk-like bodies which are enclosed in a structureless membrane and may be termed the imaginal disks. In each imaginal disk of the thorax arises a quarter of a segment with the appendage belonging to it.
Weismann, A. (1874). The metamorphosis of flies, I. Amer. Nat. 8, 603-12: 605.