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mycologyMykologie (ger.)
The scientific study of fungi. Also: the characteristics of a region as they relate to fungi or the study of fungi. (OED 2011)
- 1794
Mycologie (Schwammlehre)Persoon, C.H. (1794). Neuer Versuch einer systematischen Eintheilung der Schwämme. Neues Mag. Bot. 1, 63-80: 63.
- 1816
Mycology of the United States, or Natural History of the Funguses (including Lichens); over seven hundred species, in about four hundred numbers.
Rafinesque, C.S. (1816). Circular Address on Botany and Zoology; Followed by the Prospectus of two Periodical Works: Annals of Nature and Somiology of North America: 29.
- 1822
We shall, in an early number, give a sketch of the history of Mycology, and of the various physiological and other relations of this very interesting class of plants.
Brewster, D. & Jameson, R. (1822). [Rev. Greville, R.K., Cryptogamia of Scotland]. Edinb. Philos. J. 7, 396-397: 397.
- 1836
The immense advances which have of late years been made in the study of Mycology.
Berkeley, M.J. (1836). Fungi: 7.