sous le régime positif, une coopération normale et une juste fraternité établiront, entre tous les organes biocratiques, une solidarité conforme à leur commun service du vrai Grand-Être. En un mot, la biocratie et la sociocratie seront également régies par l’altruisme, tandis que l’égoïsme prévalent des deux côtés pendant tout le cours de notre préparation théologique et militaire.
Result of Your Query
altruismaltruisme (fr.); Altruismus (ger.)
1) Disinterested or selfless concern for the well-being of others, esp. as a principle of action. Opposed to selfishness, egoism, or (in early use) egotism. (OED 2012)
- 1851
Comte, A. (1851). Système de politique positive ou traité de sociologie, vol. 1: 619.
- 1852
This treatise […] shows how […] the selfish instincts of man lead in their satisfaction to the development of unselfish instincts, how egotism is the impulse to altruism (to use a felicitous phrase coined by Comte).
Anonymus (1852). Contemporary literature of France. Westminster Review (American Edition) 58, 330-338: 332.
- 1879
If we define altruism as being all action which, in the normal course of things, benefits others instead of benefiting self, then, from the dawn of life, altruism has been no less essential than egoism. Though primarily it is dependent on egoism, yet secondarily egoism is dependent on it
Spencer, H. (1879). The Data of Ethics: 201 (§75). - 1893
Partout où il y a des sociétés, il y a de l’altruisme, parce qu’il y de la solidarité
Durkheim, É. (1893). De la division du travail social (Paris 1960): 174.
2) Behaviour of an animal that benefits one or more others (typically of its own species), but which carries a cost for the individual concerned. (OED 2012)
- 1874
she might have made quite as much of the position enjoyed by the ‘bees’ maiden aunts’ in the hive, as the absolute representatives, not only of the skill and industry, but of the disinterestedness (or as the Comtists horribly nicknamed it, the “altruism,”) of the community
Anonymus (1874). The neuter bees. Spectator 47, 494-495: 494.
- 1922
Altruism […] is just as truly a fundamental biologic factor of evolution as is the cruel, strictly self-regarding, exterminating kind of struggle for existence with which the Neo-Darwinists try to fill our eyes and ears
Kellogg, V. (1922). Human Life: 57.
- 1975
there is ultimately no such thing as biological altruismWest-Eberhard, M.J. (1975). The evolution of social behavior by kin selection. Quart. Rev. Biol. 50, 1-33: 7.
- 1975
how can altruism, which by definition reduces personal fitness, possibly evolve by natural selection? [...]
Altruism Self-destructive behavior performed for the benefit of others
Wilson, E.O. (1975). Sociobiology: 3; 578.
- 1979
stromg altruism [...] weak altruismWilson, D.S. (1979). Structured demes and trait-group variation. Amer. Nat. 113, 606-610: 608.
- 1980
Altruism involves the sacrifice of fitness on the part of a set of individuals (the altruists) in order to increase the fitness of another set of individuals within the groupUyenoyama, M. & Feldman, M.W. (1980). Theories of kin and group selection: a population genetics perspective. Theor. Pop. Biol. 17, 380-414: 381.
- 1981
Acting in the interest of others at a personal cost in terms of chances of survival and reproductionKrebs, J.R. & Davies, N.B. (1981). An Introduction to Behavioural Ecology: 26.
- 1982
altruism The situation in which one individual acts to promote or enhance the fitness of an unrelated individual or of other members of a group at the same time reducing its own fitness
Lincoln, R.J., Boxshall, G.A. & Clark, P.F. (1982). A Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics: 12.
- 1990
Evolutionists define altruism as any trait that increases the fitness of others at the expense of the actor’s fitness.
Wilson, D.S. (1990). Weak altruism, strong group selection. Oikos 59, 135-140: 135.
- 2000
Altruismus ohne MoralTugendhat, E. (2000). Moral in evolutionstheoretischer Sicht (in: Aufsätze 1992-2000, Frankfurt/M. 2001, 199-224): 219.