the facts of co-evolution between animals and plants
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coevolutionKoevolution (ger.)
Evolution involving a series of reciprocal changes in two or more noninterbreeding populations that have a close ecological relationship and act as agents of natural selection for each other, as the succession of adaptations of a predator for pursuing and of its prey for fleeing or evading. (Random House Dictionary)
- 1920
Reinheimer, H. (1920). Symbiosis. A Socio-Physiological Study of Evolution: 249.
- 1923
fundamental principle of co-evolution
Reinheimer, H. (1923). Compensation in nature. Psyche 3, 212-28: 213; cf. 217.
- 1931
the idea of the symbiotic co-evolution of organic life
Reinheimer, H. (1930/31). Synthetic Biology and the Moral Universe: 24; cf. 159.
- 1949
[E]volution as coevolution of host and parasite
Hardin, G.J. (1949). Biology. Its Human Implications (San Francisco 1951): 599; cf. 2. ed. 1952: 558.
- 1958
coevolution of obligate parasites and their hosts
Mode, C.J. (1958). A mathematical model for the coevolution of obligate parasites and their hosts. Evolution 12, 158-65.
- 1964
a study in coevolution
Ehrlich, P.R. & Raven, P.H. (1964). Butterflies and plants: a study in coevolution. Evolution 18, 586-608.
- 1975
coevolution [is] apparently a general property of systems that possess components capable of undergoing adaptive change
Patten, B.C. (1975). Ecosystem as a coevolutionary unit: a theme for teaching systems ecology. In: Innis, G.S. (ed.). New Directions in the Analysis of Ecological Systems Part 1, 1-8: 6.
- 1982
coevolution The interdependent evolution of two or more species having an obvious ecological relationship, usually restricted to cases in which the interactions are beneficial to both species; also used for the evolutionary interaction between species having some degree of interdependence, such as a parasite and its host.
Lincoln, R.J., Boxshall, G.A. & Clark, P.F. (1982). A Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics: 51.
- 1982
Koevolution [...] Ein stochastisches System der evolutionären Veränderung, in dem zwei oder mehr Spezies so aufeinander einwirken, daß Veränderungen in der Spezies A die Stufe für die natürliche Selektion von Veränderungen in der Spezies B setzen. Spätere Veränderungen in der Spezies B setzen wiederum die Stufe für die Selektion von weiteren ähnlichen Veränderungen in der Spezies A
Bateson, G. (1982). Geist und Natur: 274.
- 1995
The coevolution of organism and environment
Brandon, R.N. & Antonovics, J. (1995). The coevolution of organism and environment. In: Wolters, G. & Lennox, J.G. (eds.). Concepts, Theories, and Rationality in the Biological Sciences. The Second Pittsburgh-Konstanz Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, 211-32.