I thought it might not be an extravagant conjecture, to suppose, that such an egg or embrio might successfully be conveyed into the uterus of any other viviparous femal, & thereby not only gravidate some without coition, but also […] make som bring forth Animals of a species different from their own.
Result of Your Query
embryoἔμβρυον (gr.); Embryo (ger.)
1) The offspring of an animal (or a man) before its birth (or its emergence from the egg).
- 1676
Nicholson, H. (1676). [Letter of 10 May 1676]. In: The Correspondence of Henry Oldenburg, vol. XII (1986): 284.
- 1853
[eine Larve ist] nichts anderes als ein Embryo mit freiem und selbständigem Leben
Leuckart (1853). Zeugung. In: Wagner, R. (ed.). Handwörterbuch der Physiologie, vol. 4, 707-1000: 946.
- 1906
The persistence of organization is a primary law of embryonic developmentLillie, F.R. (1906). Observations and experiments concerning the elementary phenomena of embryonic development in Chaetopterus. J. exper. Zool. 3, 153-267: 252.
2) The rudimentary plant contained in the seed (Syd. Soc. Lex.). (OED)
- 1788
Embryo denique ipse, essentialis pars ovuli imprægnati & princeps fœcundationis opus est, cujus causa omnes hactenus recinsitæ partes, tam organicæ, quam inorganiquæ cunstructæ & a Natura productæ sunt.Gaertner, J. (1788). De fructibus et seminibus plantarum, vol. I: LXI.
Meyer, A.W. (1939). The Rise of Embryology.
Montagu, M.F.A. (1949). Embryology from Antiquity to the End of the Eighteenth Century. Ciba Symposia 10, 1009-1028.
Oppenheimer, J.M. (1967). Essays in the History of Embryology and Biology.
Horder, T.J., Witkowski, J.A. & Wylie, C.C. (eds.) (1986). A History of Embryology.
Gilbert, S.F. (ed.) (1991). A Conceptual History of Modern Embryology.
Amundson, R. (2006). The Changing Role of the Embryo in Evolutionary Thought.