To a growing band of researchers […] a mission is becoming more realistic, thanks to the increasing volume of sequence data and to improved analytical techniques for proteins. Indeed, they believe such studies are a wave of the future for genome research and many areas of cellular biology, and have even coined a term for the emerging field: “proteome” research. […] the term “proteome” made its first appearance in the scientific literature only this year, in papers by Marc Wilkins and Keith Williams at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australi
Result of Your Query
proteomeProteom (ger.)
The entire complement of proteins that is (or can be) expressed by a cell, tissue, or organism. (OED 2012)
- 1995
Kahn, P. (1995). From genome to proteome: looking at a cell’s proteins. Science 270, 369-370: 369.
- 1995
The principle of ‘hierarchical’ analysis for the mass screening of proteins and the analysis of microbial genomes via their protein complement or ‘proteome’ is detailed.
Wasinger, V.C. et al (1995). Progress with gene product mapping of the Mollicutes: Mycoplasma genitalium. Electrophoresis 16, 1090-1094: 1090.
- 1995
Wilkins, M.R. et al. (1995). Progress with proteome projects: why all proteins expressed by a genome should be identified and how to do it. Biotech. Gen. Eng. Rev. 13, 19-50.