High-altitude geoecosystems may be subject to a poten- tial evapotranspiration which is considerably larger than could be expected from the literature
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geoecosystemGeoökosystem (ger.)
An ecosystem viewed as a geographical unit.
- 1981
Henning, I. & Henning, D. (1981). Potential evapotranspiration in mountain geoecosystems of different altitudes and latitudes. Mountain Research and Development 1, 267-274 : 268.
- 1981
Other key processes, such as the progressive extension of cultivated land, soil erosion, and also the developing tourism, proved to be so critical in destabilizing the Simen geoecosystem, that they were given priority in the Pro Semien research programme.
Hurni, H. & Messerli, B. (1981). Mountain research for conservation and development in Simen, Ethiopia. Mountain Research and Development 1, 49-54: 50.
- 1984
Geoökosystem: die Funktionseinheit eines real vorhandenen räumlichen Ausschnitts der Geobiosphäre, des […] Geoökotops, die ein selbstregulierendes Wirkungsgefüge abiotischer und darauf eingestellter biotischer Faktoren bildet
Leser, H. (1984). Zum Ökologie-, Ökosystem- und Ökotopbegriff. Natur Landsch. 59, 351-357: 355.
- 1994
Another solution would differentiate “bio-ecosystems” from “geo-ecosystems”; the first organisms-centered, the second Earth-spaces-centered.
Rowe, J.S. & Barnes, B.V. (1994). Geo-ecosystems and bio-ecosystems. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer. 75, 40-41: 41.
- 1997
The distinction between “bioecosystem” and “geoecosystem” removes a source of confusion in the ecological literature. While the “bioecosystem” idea will doubtless be the definition of choice by those interested primarily in organisms, the logic of the place-specific “geoecosystem” will make it the preferred and necessary option—as is currently evident—of field ecologists, pedologists, hydrologists, geographers, and all caretakers of air, land, and water. Further, spatially defined geoecosystems at appropriate scales will continue to provide the framework for studies of energy-mineral interactions, interchanges, flows, and cycles, as well as the basis for extrapolation of ecological understanding from place to place.
Rowe, J.S. (1997). Defining the ecosystem. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer. 78, 95-97: 96.