Biopoesis (the cognate adjective is biopoeic) seems a more suitable word than Huxley’s abiogenesis for the making of life de novo. Words ending in genesis carry a sense of generation as in animals; the making of like by like.
Result of Your Query
biopoiesisBiopoiese (ger.)
Spontaneous generation of living beings.
- 1953
Pirie, N.W. (1953). Ideas and assumptions about the origin of life. Discovery 14, 238-242: 239.
- 1982
biopoiesis The origin of life, including the abiotic synthesis of macromolecular systems and the transformation (eobiogenesis) of these systems into the first living organisms (eobionts).
Lincoln, R.J., Boxshall, G.A. & Clark, P.F. (1982). A Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics: 33.