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alleleAllel (ger.)
One version of a gene which exists next to alternative versions that all occupy the same genetic locus on homologous chromosomes. (HWB 2011)
- 1926
dominante AlleleJohannsen, W. (1909/26). Elemente der exakten Erblichkeitslehre: 646.
- 1926
Zwei als zusammenhängendes Paar auftretende Gene könnte man vielleicht als ›allele‹ Gene bezeichnenJohannsen, W. (1926). Allgemeine Vererbungslehre. In: Brugsch, T. & Lewy, F.H. (Hg.) (1926). Die Biologie der Person, Bd. 1, 227-322: 249.
- 1928
old-gold flower color is not a simple, monogenic character, but a compound produced by the interaction of two factors, a dominant factor, S, the normal allele of the sulfurea factor, s, and a recessive factor, v
Shull, G.H. (1928). Linkage with crossing-over between Rubricalyx Buds and Old-Gold Flower Color in Oenothera. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 14, 147-149: 148.
- 1935
Following the lead of Johannsen, who contributed so much to brevity and precision in genetical terminology, the Batesonian term “allelomorph” is being rapidly replaced by the word “allele.” So far as the writer is aware, this abbreviated form was used in English for the first time in a paper prepared by the undersigned for the Fifth International Genetics Congress, held in Berlin in September, 1927.
Shull, G.H. (1935). The word “allele”. Science 82, 37-38: 37.
- 1950
Every sexual species [...] possesses a gene pool, in which each gene may be represented by a certain number of alleles, and each chromosome by one or more structural variantsDobzhansky, T. (1950). Mendelian populations and their evolution. Amer. Nat. 84, 401-418: 404.
- 1982
allele Any of the different forms of a gene occupying the same locus q.v. on homologous chromosomes, and which undergo meiotic pairing q.v. and can mutate one to another
Lincoln, R.J., Boxshall, G.A. & Clark, P.F. (1982). A Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics: 9.