[T]he Transmutation of Species is, in the vulgar philosophie, pronounced Impossible: And certainly, it is a thing of difficultie, and requireth deepe Search into Nature: But seeing there appeare some manifest Instances of it, the Opinion of Impossibilitie is to be reiected; And the Meanes thereof to be found out. Wee see, that in Liuing Creatures, that come of Putrefaction, there is much Transmutation, of one into another; As Catterpillers turne into Flies, &c. And it should seeme probable, that whatsoeuer Creature, hauing life, is generated without Seed, that Creature will change out of one Species into another. For it is the Seed, and the Nature of it, which locketh and boundeth in the Creature, that it doth not expatiate. So as wee may well conclude, that seeing the Earth, of it selfe, doth put forth Plants, without Seed, therefore Plants may well haue a Transmigration of Species.
- trait-group
- transcription
- transduction
- transfer RNA
- transference of function
- transformation
- transgenic
- transhumanism
- translation
- transmutation
- transmutation of species
- transpiration
- transplantation
- tree of life
- trial and error
- trinomial nomenclature
- triplet code
- trophic level
- trophobiosis
- trophodiversity
- tropism
Result of Your Query
transmutation of speciestransmutatio (lat.); transmutation des espèces (fr.); Artenumwandlung (ger.)
Conversion or transformation of one species into another; spec. applied to the form of evolution or development propounded by Lamarck (1815–22). (OED 2012)
- 1626
Bacon, F. (1626). Sylva Sylvarum or a Naturall Historie in Ten Centuries: 136 (Nr. 525).
- 1686
De specierum in Plantis transmutatione.
Ray, J. (1686). Historia plantarum, 3 vols.: I, 42 (I, xxi).
- 1692
Other Caterpillars, as that called the Solitary Maggot, found in the dry heads of Teasel, by a dubious Metamorphosis sometimes changed into the Aurelia of a Butterfly, sometimes into a Fly-Case. […] The most that can be inferred from hence is, a transmutation of Species.
Ray, J. (1692). The Wisdom of God Manifested in the Works of the Creation, 2nd ed., vol. 2: 91.
- 1772
la transmutation des espèces n’a pas lieu dans les plantes, non plus que dans les animaux […] la constance est essentielle pour déterminer une espèce.
Adanson, M. (1772). Examen de la question si les espèces changent parmi les plantes. Histoire de l’Académie Royale des Sciences (1769), 31-48: 48; cf. Stafleu, F.A. (1963). Adanson and the »Familles des Plantes«. In: Lawrence, G.H.M. (ed.). Adanson 1, 123-264: 168.
- 1830
Sketch of Lamarck’s Arguments in Favour of the Transmutation of SpeciesLyell, C. (1830). Principles of Geology, vol. 2: [Contents, cp. 1].
- 1837
In July opened first note book on ‘transmutation of Species’.
Darwin, C. (1837). [Notebook entry]. In: Herbert, S. (ed.) (1980). The red notebook of Charles Darwin. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Historical Series 7 (24 April), 1-164: 22.
- 1849
ArtenumwandlungMousson, A. (1849). Die Land und Süsswasser-Mollusken von Java. Nach den Sendungen des Herrn Seminardirektors Zollinger zusammengestellt und beschrieben: ii.
- 1852
ArtenumwandlungFraas, C. (1852). Geschichte der Landwirthschaft: 548,
- 1852
In a debate upon the development hypothesis, lately narrated to me by a friend, one of the disputants was described as arguing that as, in all our experience, we know no such phenomenon as transmutation of species, is unphilosophical to assume that transmutation of species ever takes place.
Spencer, H. (1852). The development hypothesis (Essays, vol. 1, New York 1901, 1-7): 1.
- 1859
transmutation of speciesDarwin, C. (1859/72). On the Origin of Species: 249.
- 1874
ArtenumwandlungPeschel, O. (1874). Völkerkunde: 17.
- 1926
ArtumwandlungSeligmann, E. (1926). Artumwandlung in der Enteritisgruppe. Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenk. Infektionskr. Hygiene. 1. Abt. Med.-hygien. Bakteriol. Virusf. Parasitol. 99, 263-266.