Πλατυώνυχα & Ἀνϑρωπόμορφα Seu Simiæ, Cercopitheci, Cepi & Cynocephali
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anthropomorphaἄνϑρωπομορφα (gr.); Anthropomorpha (ger.)
A group of primates comprising the anthropoid apes and being equivalent to the family Pongidae. (Merriam Webster 2012)
- 1693
Ray, J. (1693). Synopsis methodica animalium quadrupedum: 148.
- 1735
Anthropomorpha. Dentes primores 4. utrinque: vel nulli. [...] Homo. Simia. Bradypus
Linné, C. von (1735). Systema naturae: [Regnum Animale].
- 1760
AnthropomorphaLinné, C. von (1760). Anthropomorpha.