There is a problem in Biometry (if you choose to call your calculations on lives by a Greek name) which may perhaps be included.
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biometryBiometrie (ger.)
1) The branch of science that deals with the study and measurement of the duration of human lives. (OED 2010)
- 1831
Whewell, W. (1831). [Letter from 12 Nov. 1831] (Todhunter, I. (1876). William Whewell. An Account of his Writings with Selections from his Literary and Scientific Correspondence, vol. 2): 135.
2) The branch of science that deals with the statistical analysis of numerical data relating to living organisms, esp. concerning genetic relationships or medical conditions. (OED 2010)
- 1821
Mathematischer Theil: Phyto-Biometrie. Tritt einigend und ausgleichend zwischen beyde Pole [die empirische Phyto-Bioscopie und die spekulative Phyto-Biogenie]. Die Resultate der empirischen Forschung knüpft dieser Theil der Wissenschaft an höhere Gesichtspunkte, indeß er die spekulativen in einen mehr realen Kreis herunterzieht, ihr Verhältniß zu einander und zu andern Lebensverhältnissen abwägt und sich seiner Obliegenheiten in dem mathematischen Formalgewande ideell und plastisch zugleich entledigt.
Runge, F. (1821). Neueste phytochemische Entdeckungen zur Begründung einer wissenschaftlichen Phytochemie, vol. 2. Materialien zur Phytologie: 6.
- 1901
The primary object of Biometry is to afford material that shall be exact enough for the discovery of incipient changes in evolution which are too small to be otherwise apparent
Galton, F. (1901). Biometry. Biometrika 1, 7-10: 9.
- 1927
When we take the averages of large numbers..we find a strong average resemblance, due to heredity, between parent and offspring, or between brothers and sisters. The science of biometry deals with studies of this sort.
Haldane, J.B.S. & Huxley, J.S. (1927). Animal Biology: 72.
- 1982
The application of statistical methods to biological problems and the mathematical analysis of biological data; biometrics.
Lincoln, R.J., Boxshall, G.A. & Clark, P.F. (1982). A Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics: 33.