der lebendige Körper ist ein […] offenes System von Theilen, gegen die Einwirkungen des Aeußern nicht abgeschlossen, sondern ihre beständig regelmäßige Wiederkehr zu seiner Entwicklung erwartend
- nuon
- nutrition
- nyctinastic movement
- oligotraphentic
- oligotrophic
- one gene-one enzyme hypothesis
- ontogenesis
- ontogenetic period
- ontogenetics
- open organization
- open system
- operant conditioning
- operational taxonomic unit
- operational world
- operator
- operon
- optimal foraging
- optimization model
- order
- orderliness
- organ
Result of Your Query
open systemoffenes System (ger.)
1) An organic system which depends on and reacts to influences from its environment.
- 1856
Lotze, H. (1856). Mikrokosmus. Ideen zur Naturgeschichte und Geschichte der Menschheit, vol. 1: 86.
2) An organized system which exchanges matter with its environment.
- 1925
in an open system, such as our bodies represent, complex and subject to numberless disturbance, the very existence of a poised or steady state is in itself evidence that agencies are at hand keeping the balance, or ready to act in such a way as to keep the balance.
Cannon, W.B. (1925). Some general features of endocrine influence on metabolism. Trans. Cong. Amer. Pys. Surg. 13, 31-53: 31 (Reprint in: Langley, L.L. (ed.). Homeostasis. Origins of the Concept, Dowden 1973, 223-245): 223.
- 1926
In an open system, such as our bodies represent, compsed of unstable structure and subjected continually to disturbance, constancy is in itself evidence that agencies are acting or are ready to act to maintain this constancy.
Cannon, W.B. (1926). Physiological regulation of normal states. Some tentative postulates concerning biological homeostasis (Reprint in: Langley, L.L. (ed.) (1973), 246-249): 246-7.
- 1929
The highly developed living being is an open system having many relations to its surroundings—in the respiratory and alimentary tracts and through surface receptors, neuromuscular organs and bony levers. Changes in the surroundings excite receptions in this system, or affect it directly so that internal disturbances of the system are produced.
Cannon, W.B. (1929). Organization for physiological homeostasis. Physiol. Rev. 9, 399-431: 400.
- 1940
Beim Organismus handelt es sich nicht um ein geschlossenes, sondern um ein offenes System. […] Ein offenes System heiße ein solches, in welchem Ein- und Ausfuhr von Materialien stattfindet.
Bertalanffy, L. von (1940). Der Organismus als physikalisches System betrachtet. Naturwiss. 28, 521-531: 521
- 1969
Ein offenes System ist ein solches, das in Austausch von Materie mit seiner Umgebung steht, Einfuhr und Ausfuhr, Aufbau und Abbau seiner materiellen Bestandteile unterhält.
Bertalanffy, L. von (1969). Das Modell des offenen Systems. Nova Acta Leopoldina 33 (Nr. 184), 73-87: 74.