The purpose of this paper is to present a first account of the results of a series of studies designed to elucidate the cytogenetic basis of a case of meiotic drive which was discovered in a natural population of D. melanogaster. In this population there has been found a second chromosome locus, located in or near the proximal heterochromatin and called segregation-distorter (symbol, SD), which is recovered much more frequently than its normal allele among the progeny of heterozygous male parents. This phenomenon, to which the name segregation- distortion has been applied, (1) has never been found to occur in females, (2) apparently requires synapsis (particularly in the region of the locus in question) in order to operate, and (3) comes about as a result of the failure of sperm carrying the normal allele to be formed or to function normally.
- science of homology
- scotobiosis
- scramble
- search image
- seasonal dimorphism
- second-order intentionality
- secondary
- secondary sexual characters
- secretion
- sedentary bird
- segregation distortion
- selection
- selection pressure
- selective value
- selecton
- self
- self-adaptation
- self-alteration
- self-concept
- self-construction
- self-creation
Result of Your Query
segregation distortionSegregationsverzerrung (ger.)
A distortion of expected Mendelian ratios in a cross due to dysfunction or lethality in gametes bearing certain alleles. (Oxford Dict. of Genetics 2007)
- 1959
Sandler, L., Hiraizumi, Y. & Sandler, I. (1959). Meiotic drive in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster, I. The cytogenetic basis of segregation-distortion. Genetics 44, 233-250: 233; cf. Sandler, L. & Hiraizumi, Y. (1959). Meiotic drive in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster, II. Genetic variation at the segregation-distorter locus. Proc. Nat. Acad. USA 45 (9), 1412-1422: 1413.
- 1967
[Es] tritt keine Segregationsverzerrung auf, ihre Nachkommenschaften zeigen das normale 1:1-Geschlechtsverhältnis.
Ullerich, F.-H. (1967). [Rev. Hickey, W.A. & Craig, J.B. Jr. (1966). Genetic distortion of sex ratio in a mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Genetics 53, 1177-1196]. Berichte über die wissenschaftliche Biologie 268, 138.
- 1982
segregation distortion The unequal segregation of alleles in a heterozygote due to an aberrant meiotic mechanism.
Lincoln, R.J., Boxshall, G.A. & Clark, P.F. (1982). A Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics: 223.
- 1997
SegregationsverzerrungMahner, M. & Bunge, M. (1997). Foundations of Biophilosophy (dt. Philosophische Grundlagen der Biologie, Berlin 2000): 326.