- photosynthesis
- phototaxis
- phototropism
- phototropy
- phycobiont
- phycology
- phyletic evolution
- PhyloCode
- phylogenesis
- phylogenetic bush
- phylogenetic drift
- phylogenetic net
- phylogenetic shrub
- phylogenetic species
- phylogenetic systematics
- phylogenetic tree
- phylogenetics
- phylogram
- phylotypic stage
- phylum
- physiocentric
Result of Your Query
phylogenetic driftphylogenetischer Drift (ger.)
Chance effects in the evolution of a lineage. (HWB 2011)
- 1979
[In] phylogenetic drift […] the direction of speciation is random, but stochastic fluctuations yield significant net change.Stanley, S.M. (1979). Macroevolution: 183; cf. Raup, D.M. & Gould, S.J. (1974). Stochastic simulation and evolution of morphology – towards a nomothetic palaeontology. Syst. Zool. 23, 305-322.