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LinneonLinneon (fr.); Linneon (ger.)
The classification of species in an all-embracing strict morphological sense which is related to Carl von Linné.
- 1916
Linneon [...] the total of individuals which resemble one another more than they do any other individualsLotsy, J.P. (1916). Evolution by Means of Hybridization: 22.
- 1955
Most of the species of Linnaeus and many later taxonomists are broadly delimited; such a large species has been called a Linneon.
Core, E.L. (1955). Plant Taxonomy: 97.
- 1982
Linnaeon Linnaean species q. v.; Linneon.
Lincoln, R.J., Boxshall, G.A. & Clark, P.F. (1982). A Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics: 142.