Καὶ τὰ μὲν σαρκοφάγα, τὰ δὲ καρποφάγα, τὰ δὲ παμφάγα, τὰ δ’ ἰδιότροφα [some are carnivorous, some frugivorous, others omnivorous; some have a diet peculiar to themselves]
Result of Your Query
carnivorousσαρκόφαγος (gr.); carnivorus (lat.); karnivor (ger.)
Eating or feeding on flesh; applied to those animals (or plants) which naturally prey on (other) animals, and spec. to the order CARNIVORA. (OED 2011)
- c. -350 (BC)
Aristotle (c. 350 BC). Historia animalium (transl. by A.L. Peck 1965) 488a14-15; cf. 594a12; 628b33-629a1; cf. id. De partibus animalium 662b1.
- ca. 79
omnia carnivora suntPlinius, Naturalis historia 9, 78; cf. 10; 199.
- 1589
Which liveth on flesh. Carnivorus
Rider, J. (1589). Bibliotheca Scholastica: [flesh].
- 1603
Silurus […] carnivorus est
Schwenckfeld, K. (1603). Theriotropheum Silesiae, in quo animalium, hoc est quadrupedum, reptilium, avium, piscium, insectorum natura, vis & usus 6 libris perstringitur: 444-5.
- 1618
alia animalia sunt carnivora, alia herbivora
Sennert, D. (1618). Epitome naturalis scientiae: 572 (7, 10).
- 1646
Many there are [...] which eate no salt at all, as all carnivorous animals
Browne, T. (1646). Pseudodoxia epidemica: 205 (IV,10).
- 1654
Bravo de Sobremonte Ramirez, G. (1654). Resolutiones medicae. practicis pro curandis febribus. In: Operum medicinalium, vol. 5 (Lyon 1684): 67; engl.: Bennett, (1830). The Gardens and Menagerie of the Zoological Society Delineated, vol. 1: 99.
- 1982
carnivorous Flesh eating; creophagous; sarcophagous; carnivorc, carnivory.
Lincoln, R.J., Boxshall, G.A. & Clark, P.F. (1982). A Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics: 41.