Der gegenwärtige Stand der Vererbungswissenschaft ist […] durch einen Uebergang von der statischen zu der dynamischen Auffassungsweise charakterisiert. […] Dadurch kommt aber die Genetik in einen neuen Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklungsmechanik – nämlich mit der phyletischen Entwicklungsmechanik, wie sie Roux genannt hat – mit jener nämlich, welche sich mit den Ursachen, die die Veränderungen der Formen im Laufe der Generationen bestimmen, beschäftigen soll. Die Entwicklungsgenetik wird zur Basis für diese phyletische Entwicklungsmechanik.
- density-dependent factors
- deoxyribonucleic acid
- descent with modification
- descriptive anatomy
- desire for action
- destructor
- determination
- development
- developmental biology
- developmental cycle
- developmental genetics
- developmental mechanics
- developmental period
- developmental physiology
- developmental program
- developmental stage
- developmental system
- deviation
- diagrammatic type
- diakinesis
- diapause
Result of Your Query
developmental geneticsgénétique de développement (fr.); Entwicklungsgenetik (ger.)
The convergence between genetics and developmental biology since the end of the 1930s.
- 1924
Krizenecky, J. (1924). Die heutige Vererbungswissenschaft und ihre neuen Aufgaben (Vortrag gehalten in dem Naturforschenden Verein in Brünn im Feber 1922). Rivista di Biologia 6, 1-16: 15.
- 1934
Professor Morgan has resorted to several kinds of simplification in order to make his survey of experimental embryology and developmental genetics into a stimulating textbook for college and medical school students and for others in search of an upto-date and authoritative introduction to these subjects.
Anonymus (1934). [Rev. Morgan, T.H. (1934). Embryology and Genetics]. Quart. Rev. Biol. 9, 472.
- 1937
Even when the chromosomal pattern is known, the question of genie interaction is so complex that one is almost forced to a simple formulation of the problem of developmental genetics
Twitty, V.C. (1937). The influence of nuclear factors in hybrid development studied by transplantation. Amer. Nat. 71, 127-142: 128.
- 1938
While the experimental embryologist carries out a certain experiment and then studies its results, the developmental geneticist first has to study the course of the development (that is, the results of the developmental disturbance) and can then sometimes draw conclusions on the nature of the “experiment” carried out by the gene.
Gluecksohn-Schoenheimer, S. (1938). The development of two tailless mutants in the house mouse. Genetics 23, 573-584: 573.
- 1997
Developmental Biolology
Gilbert, S.F. (1985/97). Developmental Biology: 40; cf. id. (1991). Induction and the origins of developmental genetics. In: Gilbert, S.F. (ed.). A Conceptual History of Modern Embryology, 181-200.