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Result of Your Query
animal physiologyphysiologie des animaux (fr.); Tierphysiologie (ger.)
Study of the normal processes and metabolic functions of animal organisms. (Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 1982)
- 1751
Anonymus (1751). [Rev. Buffon, G.L.L. (1750). Histoire naturelle générale et particulière, vol. 1]. Bibliothèque Impartiale 3, 185-204: 204.
- 1768
mostrare per qual maniera si allargano e amplificano i limiti della Fisica Animale, e quali utilità e vantaggi a lei ne derivano da questo genere di Osservazioni, farà l'oggetto principalissimo del mio Libro.
Spallanzani, L. (1768). Prodromo di un’ opera da imprimersi sopra le riproduzioni animali: 9.
- 1769
to shew how far the limits of animal physiology are extended by, and what utility and advantage may be derived from, observations of this kind, will be the principal design of this work
Spallanzani, L. (1769). An Essay on Animal Reproductions (ed. by M. Maty): 4.
- 1775
Physiologia animalium
Leske, N.G. (1775). Physiologia animalium.
- 1778
telles sont les connoissances que la Physiologie animale tire de ces expériences.
Rozier, F. (1778). [Rev. Bochaute, C. van (1778). Dissertatio physiologico-chemica de bile]. Observations sur la physique, sur l’histoire naturelle et sur les arts, Suppl., vol. 13, 260-281: 261.
- 1783
Die Thierphysiologie und landwirtschaftliche Thierlehre kann ich eben so in ein besonders Hauptstück zusammen ordnen, dem ich die Rubrick von der Viehzucht beilege.
Jung, J.H. (1783). Versuch eines Lehrbuchs der Landwirthschaft der ganzen bekannten Welt: 6; 428; cf. Anonymus (1789). Das Gefühl. In: Grosse, C. (ed.). Magazin für die Naturgeschichte des Menschen 1 (2), 217-265: 222.
- 1785
Physiologie animale et végétale
Anonymus (1785). Monstre. Monstuosité. In: Rozier, F. (ed.). Cours complet d’agriculture, vol. 6, 561-572: 561.
- 1793
by this discovery of the decomposition of water by organized bodies, we shall be able to explain the most hidden mysteries of animal physiology.
Beddoes, T. (1793). Observations on the Nature and Cure of Calculus, Sea Scurvy, Consumption, Catarrh, and Fever Together with Conjectures upon Several other Subjects of Physiology and Pathology: 246
- 1797
No subject in animal physiology is involved in greater mystery than the important business of impregnation
Anonymus (1797). [Rev. Haighton, J. (1797). An experimental inquiry concerning animal impregnation]. Monthly Rev. 24, 315-316: 315.
- 1797
physiologie animaleBartholdi (1797). Lettre sur un calcul trouvé dans l’intestin rectum d’un cheval. Annales de chimie 23, 123-132: 130.
- 1799
le progrès de la physiologie animale
Humboldt, A. von (1799). Expériences sur le galvanisme, et en général sur l’irritation des fibres: 455.
- 1866
Thierische Physiologie
oder Dynamische Zoologie
Haeckel, E. (1866). Generelle Morphologie der Organismen, 2 vols.: I, 238; cf. 21.