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mental representationreprésentation mentale (fr.); mentale Repräsentation (ger.)
In theories of cognition and perception based on ‘direct realism’, a direct mapping of sensory stimuli in the brain. (Dictionary of Media and Communication 2012)
- 1721
Sans avoir l’idée d’une chose, c’est à dire, sans en avoir une représentation mentale, vous ne âuriez la concevoir, ni en parler, ni en disputerOlivet, P.J. de (1721). Entretiens de Ciceron sur la nature des dieux, Bd. 1: 61.
- 1762
Christ was at this time carried into the wilderness […] in a spiritual manner, in vision or mental representation, under a divine inspirationAnonymus (1762). [Rez. Farmer, H. (1761). An Enquiry into the Nature and Design of Christ’s Temptation in the Wilderness]. The Monthly Review 25, 130-141: 133f.
- 1773
L’idée est essentiellement une représentation mentale d’un objetRichard, C.-L. (1773). La nature en contraste avec la religion et la raison: 303.
- 1798
mental representation [...] mean[s] the effect which an external object produces on our mind, so that we become conscious of its existenceChrichton, A. (1798). An Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Mental Derangement, 2 vols.: I, 293; vgl. 300.
- 1843
The mind can conceive a multitude of individual things as one assemblage or class; and general names do really suggest to us certain ideas or mental representations
Mill, J.S. (1843). A System of Logic, vol. 2: 212 (IV, ii, §1); cf. id. (1865). An Examination of Sir William Hamilton’s Philosophy (Collected Works, vol. 9, 1979): 313 (ch. XVII).