the nominalistic aspect in modem evolutionary systematics (H. J. Maresquelle)
- evolutionary biology
- evolutionary ecology
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- evolutionary ethics
- evolutionary morphology
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- evolutionary responsibility
- evolutionary species
- evolutionary stable strategy
- evolutionary synthesis
- evolutionary systematics
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- exadaptation
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Result of Your Query
evolutionary systematicsevolutionäre Systematik (ger.)
Systematics based on phylogenetic analyses.
- 1955
Bloch, R. (1955). [Rev. CNRS (ed.) (1952). Évolution et phylogénie chez les végétaux]. Quart. Rev. Biol. 30, 60.
- 1959
There is one criterion of relationship that has a unique status in evolutionary systematics: the existence of transitional forms between groups.
Simpson, G.G. (1959). Anatomy and morphology: classification and evolution: 1859 and 1959. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 103, 286-306: 298.
- 1974
Organisms are classified and ranked, according to [evolutionary systematics], on the basis of two sets of factors, 1. phylogenetic branching (›recency of common descent‹, retrospectively defined), and 2. amount and nature of evolutionary change between branching pointsMayr, E. (1974). Cladistic analysis or cladistic classification? Z. zool. Syst. Evolutionsforsch. 12, 94-128: 95.
- 1990
[Ziel der Evolutionären Systematik ist] eine Klassifikation zu erarbeiten, die Abstammung und Ähnlichkeit gleichermaßen berücksichtigtMayr, E. (1990). Die drei Schulen der Systematik. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. 83, 253-276: 274.