Evolutionary species. This small but interesting group includes such species which were recognized with certainty to represent permanent juvenile stages of recent species. So far it seems that they all exhibit about the same stage of evolution, not that one species represents a more advanced stage than the other
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evolutionary speciesevolutionäre Art (ger.)
1) Rapidly transforming species, as seen in the fossil record.
- 1900
Noetling, F. (1900). The Miocene of Burma: 75; cf. id. (1900). [Memoir on the tertiary fauna of India]. General Report on the Work Carried on by the Geological Survey of India for the Period from 1899 to 1900, 16-20: 18.
2) A group of individuals seen as a spatio-temporal unit bound together by breeding relations.
- 1904
The evolutionary species is not a complex of characters or a mere aggregation of similar plants or animals; it is a protoplasmic network held together by the interbreeding of the component individuals
Cook, O.F. (1904). Evolution not the origin of species. Popular Science Monthly 1904 (March), 445-456: 456.
- 1906
A species, that is, a normal, natural, evolutionary species, is a large, coherent group of freely interbreeding organisms
Cook, O.F. (1906). Aspects of kinetic evolution. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences 8, 197-404: 357.
- 1945
An evolutionary species may be defined as a series of successive species or subspecies each one having been derived from one preceding it and ancestral to the following one.Clark, B.L. (1945). Problems of speciation and correlation as applied to mollusks of the marine Cenozoic. J. Paleontol. 19, 158-172: 165.
- 1951
[The following seems to be the strictly evolutionary criterion implied: a phyletic lineage (ancestral-descendent sequence of interbreeding populations) evolving independently of others, with its own separate and unitary evolutionary role and tendencies, is a basic unit in evolution.
Simpson, G.G. (1951). The species concept. Evolution 5, 285-298: 289; cf. id. (1961). The Principles of Animal Taxonomy: 153.]
- 1954
[The species, in case of uniparental and biparental organisms, may be visualized as a natural population, evolving as a unit in actuality, or retaining the capacity to evolve as a unit if artificial barriers are removed
Meglitsch, P.A. (1954). On the nature of the species. Syst. Zool. 3, 49-65: 64.]
- 1982
evolutionary species A lineage evolving separately from others and possessing its own unitary evolutionary role and tendencies; a distinct evolutionary sequence of ancestral and descendant populations; equivalent to a biological species viewed through the perspective of evolutionary time.
Lincoln, R.J., Boxshall, G.A. & Clark, P.F. (1982). A Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics: 88.
- 2000
Evolutionary species are logical individuals with origins, existence, and ends.
Wiley, E.O. & Mayden, R.L. (2000). The evolutionary species concept. In: Wheeler, Q. & Meier, R. (eds.). Species Concepts and Phylogenetic Theory. A Debate, 70-89: 74.
Harper, R.A. (1923). The species concept from the point of view of a morphologist. Amer. J. Bot. 10, 229-233: 231.
Wiley, E.O. (1978). The evolutionary species concept reconsidered. Systematic Zoology 27, 17-26.
Wiley, E.O. (1980). Is the evolutionary species fiction? – A consideration of classes, individuals and historical entities. Systematic Zoology 29, 76-80.