I […] acknowledge the scientific acumen and indefatigable energy of the Founder of Comparative and Evolutionary Technology
- evolutionary ecology
- evolutionary epistemology
- evolutionary ethics
- evolutionary morphology
- evolutionary psychology
- evolutionary responsibility
- evolutionary species
- evolutionary stable strategy
- evolutionary synthesis
- evolutionary systematics
- evolutionary technology
- evolvability
- evolver
- evolvon
- evospecies
- exadaptation
- exaptation
- excitability
- excitation
- excrement
- excretion
Result of Your Query
evolutionary technologyevolutionäre Technologie (ger.)
The analysis of the development of basic cultural techniques in the material culture of several peoples.
- 1907
Haddon, A.C. (1907). [Rev. Pitt-Rivers, A.L.-F. (1906). The Evolution of Culture and Other Essays]. Folklore 18, 217-220: 220.