- reciprocal determination
- reciprocal generation
- reciprocal sustainment
- reciprocity
- recombination
- recon
- reducer
- reductive pentose phosphate cycle
- reflective self-evaluation
- reflex
- reflex arc
- reflexive selection
- regeneration
- regional planning
- regulation
- regulator
- regulator gene
- regulator organ
- regulatory development
- reification
- release
Result of Your Query
reflex arcReflexbogen (ger.)
The connected series of nerves concerned in the production of a reflex action. (OED 2012)
- 1833
reflex arcHall, M. (1833). On the reflex function of the medulla oblongata and medulla spinalis. Philos. Trans. Roy Soc. Lond. 123, 635-665: 655.
- 1838
The trifacial nerve, the medulla oblongata, the orbicular branch of the facial nerve, are the different parts of the reflex arc: or it may be expressed thus, – the excitor and motor nerves are two arcs, united by the medulla oblongata as their key-stoneHall, M. (1838). Lectures on the theory and practice of medicine. The Lancet 1, 729-735: 730.