The organisms which live in the lake compose its biocenosis. WE can state various kinds of groups of the organisms in the biocenosis. The association is one of many such groups. The association with groups of many species with definite structure, form the reletavily completed whole inside the biocenosis. […] The organism[s] of particular systematic units e.g. Turbellarians, Cladocera, which occur in such associations, compose the groups of coexisting species. This group may be called taxocene as to make it distinct from association. We mean by taxocenes all so called associations of particular systematic groups, e.g. “associations” of Copepoda, Cladocera, etc.
Result of Your Query
taxoceneTaxozön (ger.)
definition needed!
- 1959
Chodorowski, A. (1959). Ecological differentiation of turbellarians in Harsz-Lake. Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii 6, 33-73: 53.
- 1972/86
Taxozönosen sind durch stammesgeschichtliche Zugehörigkeit und Koexistenz, jedoch nicht durch Wechselwirkungen gekennzeichnet. Sie entbehren der grundlegenden Merkmale einer Zönose bzw. eines Systems.
Stugren, B. (1972/86). Grundlagen der allgemeinen Ökologie: 78.
- 1982
taxocene A group of species belonging to a particular supraspecific taxon occurring together in the same association q. v.
Lincoln, R.J., Boxshall, G.A. & Clark, P.F. (1982). A Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics: 244.
- 1984/86
Taxocoenosen = Lebensgemeinschaften einzelner taxonomischer Sippen
Schubert, R. (ed.) (1984/86). Biogeocoenosen des Festlandes. In: Lehrbuch der Ökologie, 274-277: 275.