In fact, as we shall see later, there is ample evidence that this pigment [myo- or histohaematin] is not a single compound, but a complex formed of three distinct haemochromogen compounds, the nature of which is not yet completely elucidated. I propose therefore to describe it under the name of Cytocrhome, signifying merely "cellular pigment," pending the time when its composition shall have been properly determined.
Result of Your Query
cytochromeCytochrom (ger.)
Any of several closely related compounds, present in the cells of most aerobic organisms, which play an important part in cell respiration and consist of an iron-containing porphyrin attached to a protein; together they constitute the cytochrome system. (OED)
- 1925
Keilin, D. (1925). On cytochrome, a respiratory pigment, common to animals, yeast, and higher plants. Proc. Roy. Soc. B 58, 312-339: 314; cf. id. (1966). The History of Cell Respiration and Cytochrome.