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gametophyteGametophyt (ger.)
The sexual form of a thallophyte, as distinguished from the sporophyte, or asexual form. (OED 2011)
- 1888
The Bryophyta may be characterized as plants which present a definite alternation of generations, the plant being the gametophyte and the fructification or sporangium the sporophyteVines, S.H. (1888). Vegetable kingdom. The Encyclopaedia Britannica (9. ed.), vol. 24, 124-131: 128; cf. id. (1888). On the systematic position of Isoëtes, L. Ann. Bot. (London) 2 (5), 117-123: 120.
- 1890
gametopyhteBower, F.O. (1890). On antithetic as distinct from homologous alternation of generations in plants. Ann. Bot. (London) 4, 347-370: 367.
- 1982
gametophyte The haploid sexual phase of a plant which exhibits an alternation of generations, from which gametes are produced, usua!ly by mitotic division; the haploid gametophyte is typically formed by meiotic division of a diploid sporophyte; gamophyte; haplophyte.
Lincoln, R.J., Boxshall, G.A. & Clark, P.F. (1982). A Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics: 98.