Speciation […] is the origination or multiplication of species by subdivision, usually..as a result of environmental incidents
- social inheritance
- social releaser
- sociobiology
- somation
- somatogamy
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- space of reasons
- spatial parasitism
- special biology
- speciation
- species
- species being
- species character
- species diversity
- species extinction
- species generation
- species richness
- species selection
- species-individuality
- speciesism
Result of Your Query
speciationespèciation (fr.); Speziation (ger.)
The formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution. (OED 2012)
- 1906
Cook, O.F. (1906). Factors of species-formation. Science 23, 506-507: 506.
- 1982
speciation The formation of new species; thesplitting of a phylogenetic lineage; acquisition of reproductive isolating mechanisms producing discontinuities between populations; cf. allochronic speciation, allopatric speciation, parapatric speciation, stasipatric speciation, quantum speciation, sympatric speciation.
Lincoln, R.J., Boxshall, G.A. & Clark, P.F. (1982). A Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics: 231.
- 1985
Eine Art ist […] der evolutionäre Abschnitt zwischen zwei Speziationen oder aber zwischen einer Speziation und dem Zeitpunkt ihres nachkommenlosen AussterbensWillmann, R. (1985). Die Art in Raum und Zeit: 133
- 2009
Speciation occurs when a population comes to be reproductively isolated because the last individual that formerly bridged that population to others died, or because this individual ceased to be fertile.
Matthen, M. (2009). Chicken, eggs, and speciation. Nous 43, 94-115: 110.