Die Entwicklungstendenz zur umfassenden allgemeinen Ökologie, Holographie oder Hol-Ökologie war bereits in der Begriffsbildung Haeckels enthalten, als er die Ökologie die Lehre von der „Oeconomie der Natur“ nannte.
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holecologyHolökologie (ger.)
Ecology of the biosphere, taking into account ecological interactions on all levels of organization.
- 1963
Schwerdtfeger, F. (1963). Ökologie der Tiere, vol. 1. Autökologie: 29.
- 1970
By increasing the interactions between habitats which were formerly separated (either geographically or ecologically) man is unifiying the various households on earth. It will then make increasing sense to develop ›holecology‹ – the consideration of the entire biosphere as a single habitat and all life on this planet as a biocenosis, with man as the dominant and to some extent unifying species.Kalmus, H. (1970). Living together without man. In: Benthall, J. (ed.). Ecology in Theory and Practice, 23-35: 24.