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hibernationhibernation (fr.); Winterschlaf (ger.)
The dormant condition into which many animals and plants pass when the temperature falls below certain limits; esp. the winter sleep of some warm-blooded animals, as the dormouse, hedgehog, badger, bear, bat, etc. (OED 2011)
- ca. 79
in hiemes aliis provisum pabulum, aliis pro cibo somnusPlinius (um 79). Naturalis historia VIII, lviii (138); vgl. lxxxii (223); vgl. Leitner, H. (1972). Zoologische Terminologie beim Älteren Plinius: 218.
- 1605
der Behr, wann er von seinem Winterschlaff erwachtRollenhagen, G. (1605). Wunderbarliche biss daher unerhörte und ungleubliche indianische Reysen durch die Lufft, Wasser, Land, Helle, Paradiss und den Himmel: 112 (nach DWB).
- 1745
Lind, Ek och Asp stodo ännu sofwande i sin winter-dwalaLinné, C. von (1745). Öländska och Gotländska Resa: 1.
- 1790
During the Winter, from the absence of heat, and in a great measure light also, plants remain in a state of torpidity, analogous to the hibernation of animalsDuncan, A. (1790). Medical news: Account of Mr John Gahagan’s observations on the irritability of vegetables. Medical and Philosophical Commentaries 4, 375-399: 391.
- 1791
ces animaux [les hirondelles] ne respirent point pendant l’hybernationFabricius, J.C. (1791). Sur la coutume d’hyberner propre à certains animaux. La médecine éclairée par les sciences physiques 1, 325-327: 326; vgl. 325.
- 1800
the animal during its state of hibernationDarwin, E. (1800). Phytologia; or The Philosophy of Agriculture and Gardening: 215.
- 1805
L’hibernation est cet état de torpeur dans lequel se trouvent pendant l’hiver plusieurs espèces de corps organisés, et qui est manifestement le effet du froisDraparnaud, J. (1805). OEuvres sur divers sujets d’histoire naturelle: 63.
- 1818
On the hybernation and torpidity of insects
Kirby, W. & Spence, W. (1816/18). An Introduction to Entomology, vol. 2: 430.
- 1982
hibernation The act or condition of passing the winter in a torpid or resting state, typically involving the abandonment of homoiothermy in mammals; cf. aestivation.
Lincoln, R.J., Boxshall, G.A. & Clark, P.F. (1982). A Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics: 113.