I. Lufplanter, Fanerofyter. De overlevende Knopper eller Skudspidser findes paa frit i Luften fremragende, negativt geotropiske Skud.
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phanerophytephanérophyte (fr.); Phanerophyt (ger.)
A plant life form in Raunkiaer's system of classification. Phanerophytes are large shrubs and trees in which the overwintering (perennating) buds are located high above the ground. The buds are thus at risk of exposure to drought stress or frost, and such plants occur mainly in regions where frost and drought are uncommon, such as the tropics. (Oxford Dict. of Biology 2008)
- 1904
Raunkiær, C. (1904). Om biologiske Typer, med Hensyn til Planternes Tilpasning til at overleve ugunstige Aarstider. Botanisk Tidskrift 26, XIV.
- 1905
Un groupe de plante, réprésenté par la majorité de ses espèces dans des régions à climat phytophile, a les bourgeons persistante placés sur des pousses pérennantes à port dressé. Les arbres et les arbrisseaux de nos forêts appartiennent à cette catégorie de plantes peu protégées que nous appelerons Phanérophytes et dont nous ferons le premier type principal de notre système.
Raunkiær, C. (1905). Types biologiques pour la géographie botanique. Oversigt over Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger, 1905, 347-438: 352; transl. in id. (1934). The Life Forms of Plants and Statistical Plant Geography.
- 1907
Hence he [scil. Raunkiaer] proposes a new classification, based on resting buds and other organs that are most in evidence in rigorous seasons. On this basis five great plant classes are recognized: phanerophytes, whose buds are considerably above the ground (trees and shrubs); chamephytes, whose buds are slightly above the ground; hemicryptophytes, whose buds are at the ground level; cryptophytes, whose buds are hidden in the ground; and therophytes, whose buds persist only in seeds (annuals).
Cowles, H.C. (1907). Resting buds as indices of ecological types. Botanical Gazette 44, 392.
- 1909
His [scil. Raunkiær’s] five chief groups were phanerophytes, chamaephytes, hemicryptophytes, cryptophytes, and therophytes.
Warming, E. (1909). Oecology of Plants: 5.
- 1910
I. Phanerophyten; überwinternde Knospen an aufrechten Trieben, also sehr geringer Schutz.
Tobler, G. (transl.) (1910). In: Raunkiaer, C. (1910). Statistik der Lebensformen als Grundlage für die biologische Pflanzengeographie. Beiheft zum Bot. Centralbl. 27 (2), 171-206: 171.
Raunkiær, C. (1907). Planterigets Livsformer og deres Betydning for Geografien.
Du Rietz, G.E. (1931). Life-forms of terrestrial flowering plants. Acta Phytogeogr. Suec. 3, 1-95.
Adamson, R.S. (1939). The classificaion of life-forms of plants. Bot. Rev. 5, 546-561.